Friday, January 9, 2009

iGoogle How to of the Day, or How Does Google Know So Much About Me?

I don't know if everyone who signs in to igoogle has this, but on my page there is a section called "How to of the Day". How can a person like me resist seeing what is up there everyday? I mean, I obsessively watched DIY network to the neglect of my school work, apartment, and personal hygiene until all of my favorite shows got cancelled. Needless to say, I usually end up reading whatever article is up there. I am a little concerned though, and I am fully aware that expressing this concern will make me sound like a conspiracy theorizing narcissist.

I feel like google is trying to tell me something.

It was all fine and great back when the topics coming up were things like "How to take better pictures" ( or "How to make a yarn octopus", ( You know these are things that I genuinely want to know how to do.


Lately, the How tos of the day have been getting a little personal. "How to Lose Belly Fat" (, "How to Stop Being so Needy" (, "How to Stop Procrastinating"( Then, the worst one so far "6 Ways to be More Feminine." ( OK, igoogle I get it...hints taken.



Krystle said...

Hey! It's nothing personal! :D The featured articles are picked out by wikiHow, and the topics you mentioned are actually very commonly searched topics, so they hit home for a lot of people. =)

PurpleBecca said...

Ha Ha! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the wikiHow website...I was just trying to be funny. Please don't arrest me wikiHow police!

Krystle said...

wikiHow loves you too ;-) Have you thought about coming on over and sharing some of your knitting projects? Might be a good way to promote your Etsy products, like this contributor does: