Sunday, May 3, 2009


hello, I am sorry for the long long absence.

I finished my thesis about 2 hours ago.


Now I can knit again.

This is the only thing I've created since my last post (except for 15,000 words about plant disease resistance {Viva la RESISTANCE!})

I'm taking a current events course this semester, and all of the students are required to subscribe to the New York Times. The times, you see, is delivered to your doorstep in these lovely blue plastic bags. Now, back in my DIY junkie days I had seen patterns for making things out of plastic bags and as soon as I saw these things I knew I'd be saving them.



My pack rattiness went to the next level. In a fit of insanity I e-mailed my professor and asked her if I could ask the WHOLE class (and its a big 'un) to bring me thier New York Times bags.

And they did....

And I have a large amount of bags in our apartment.

And I have finished a single solitary bag because I've had a cumulitive 3 hours to make creative messes since February.

But it looks like my summer work schedule is going to have lots of bus riding so I'll have lots of time to make more plarn bags. They'll be posted to my etsy as I finish them!

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