Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I accidently opened a knitting blog

So here I am with my very own knitting blog. I think I'll use this first post to just upload all of the pictures I have of my work so far.

I need to work on my photography technique. I started a page on etsy.com, and I have noticed that my photos are really not up to snuff...maybe I should start taking them outside.

Anywho...those are the purses that are available on etsy right now, and this is my own purse that I use and has obviously been through a lot. I LOVE this purse though, I don't care how beat-up it gets. Making it and using it were really learning experiences about construction and color choice.

Sadly, I think those are all of the finished projects I have at hand. I've been knitting for about 5 years but really only finishing things for about a year and a half. I really think that the difference for me came when we got an upgrade on our cable services and start getting the diy network. The show Knitty Gitty really had an impact on me even if I never knitted anything directly from the show. Watching it just reminded me how much I loved to knit and wanted to design my own things. Plus just watching other people knit made me feel more confident in my own technique which inspired me to branch out a litttle bit and start playing with the more sculptural aspects of knitting.

I am currently between knitting projects, having just finished the felted wristlet above only yesterday. My next idea was to create a purse that would be a play on tessellating fish. Of course when I did a google image search for tessellating fish I found out that many other knitters have done the same thing but I think mine will be a little different.

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