Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kno Knew Knitting

Life is really getting in the way of my knitting lately....I'm starting my senior thesis this semester, taking two classes and working three jobs! If only I had somehow incorporated knitting into my thesis....If only I had majored in fine arts! OK, enough of the "woe is me!"

So the leafy scarf is doing really well in etsy. It has had more views than the first things I posted! If anyone is interested in the pattern let me know and I will make a post about it here.

I tried to dye up some alpaca that I bought at a flea market. I was blue, so I dyed it with yellow to make it green. This did not turn out how I planned it! Because the fiber is sort of fuzzy and tends to stick to itself, the yellow dye only got into the very outside and inside of the (loosely wound) skein, leaving the inside blue still. I'm trying to think of ways to fix it...smaller skeins....using a squeeze bottle to inject dye into the middle...hmmm.

Thanks for reading!

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